Monday, January 01, 2007

New year's eve outfit and random pics

The first time I yapped about behnaz sarafpour for target was in my november post about her. Well, I think I never did update everyone on which items I bought from the line but you will all find out about it now as I wore my behnaz stuff for new year's eve. :)

Here's the ensemble I chose:

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Black top with crystals, silver brocade skirt and matching bag all from behnaz for target. The second pic is me with h at my grandparents' house whilst the third pic is a clearer view of how the outfit looks together on a full body shot.

I did end up getting the whole outfit from one behnaz 'look' because my mom insisted that they are super gorgeous all together IRL. She sent them to me to wear on christmas but I decided on wearing it for new year instead. I do agree that they look so much more beautiful in person especially the black top with crystals! :) The skirt and bag are both really gorgeous too as the material is luxe and has just the right amount of sheen to it. Plus the skirt actually has two pockets which gives it a parisian chic vibe. Now I know some US readers might cringe at the thought that I wore B4T from head to toe but this is manila, darling. And I am most probably the only one with this ensemble here. *wink*

Moving on... New year in this country is very festive and is traditionally celebrated on the evening of december 31 (culminating at 12 midnight) where everyone spends it at a party of some sort whilst perenially hearing random booming of fireworks no matter where they are. It's not very environmentally friendly in that a thick blanket of smoke is usually left in the skies the next day but it is a tradition that I don't think will die anytime soon. *tsk tsk* Good thing about these celebrations though, is that it does bring everyone together such that it seems as if there is another big family event right after christmas. :) A lot of (weird but) fun traditions are also followed about welcoming the new year locally and a lot of them involve round, circular things (ie. wear something with dots, eat something round, fill the house with round fruits and throw away coins for your guests). Really, I'm serious! hahaha. Don't ask me what they signify as all I'll answer is "they're for good fortune". :D

As much as I love watching big display fireworks, I could never light up any kind on my own except for an itty bitty sparkler. hehehe. Here is a candid pic I took of everyone whilst holding sparklers at 12 midnight:

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It's kind of dark as I didn't use flash to take this pic.:) We were all outside in the private streets of forbes.

And here's mica holding one. She was so mesmerized by it!

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She was so adorable here!

To end this post is a picture of me with bf's mom and sisters. We were outside his grandparents' house.

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I do hope everyone had a fun new year's eve!!! Well, the highlight of my night was --everyone totally adored my skirt. hahaha! I guess people will be complimenting my clothes the whole year round huh? hehe!

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Blogger CaliforniaStyle said...

Love your outfit! Happy New Year!

5:20 AM  
Blogger CC said...

thank you, thank you! ;) happy new year dear!

10:12 AM  

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